
My word for this week is PASSION.

What does the word make you think of? More importantly, how does it make you feel? Many successful business owners attribute their success to passion, a burning desire to do something great.

Passion is the driving force that moves us forward, even when the road is rocky, and the challenges seem insurmountable. In business, when our bodies say “no,” and our minds say, “definitely not,” passion is the voice in our heads that quietly whispers “Yes, you got this! Try it one more time.”

The one thing about passion, though, is that you either have it or you don’t. Feeding off other people’s passion is possible because it’s contagious, but passion itself is innate. That’s why, when I meet business owners who show sincere, authentic passion for what they do and who they are, I tell them, “You cannot squander this gift. Everything else you can learn, but the gift of passion can take you farther than you ever imagined.”

But passion alone isn’t enough. It needs to be nurtured and sustained. This means continually learning, adapting, and growing. Stay curious and open to new ideas, seek out opportunities for innovation, and never settle. Passion, combined with perseverance and a willingness to embrace change, is an incredibly powerful formula for success.

Take time this week to reflect on what ignites your passion. What about your business excites you and gets you out of bed in the morning? How can you harness that energy to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals?

Passion is the heart of our journey as business owners. Let it guide you, fuel you, and inspire you to do great things.

Now, go carpe diem today!

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